Using the Simulator

      Using the Simulator

        Article summary

        You can quickly learn how to drive the Simulator by taking a look at our Ready-to-Teach simulation, "How many babies...".

        Click here to open the simulation. You'll see something like this:

        Do the following:

        • Enter a value in "number of samples" - e.g. 100
        • Click the green "Run" button 

        You should now see something like this:

        Anatomy of a simulation

        The various elements you now see are:

        The "run" (i.e. set of samples) you just generated. You can see how many samples were in this run, the date and time it was generated, and under the little i button you will see some descriptive statistics of the samples.

        A histogram of the sample value distribution:

        A table view of the samples in the run. Only the first 100 samples will be shown, if you generated more than these:

        The Create Dataset button. From this button you can make a DataClassroom Dataset out of this run of samples:

        The Simulation Model. Here you can see the name of the model, and the fact that it is generating values for a variable (called the Response variable) called Birthweight (g):

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