Transforming data

      Transforming data

        Article summary

        Sometimes you have some data in a column, and you want to change it in some way. You might want to multiply it by a number, take a square root - whatever.

        With the column transform feature, you can apply a function to all the data in the column at once, creating either:

        • A new set of values in the same column
        • A new column to the right of the original one

        To do this, click the column transform button on the column header:

        You can then choose between replacing the data in this column, or creating a new column.

        Don't see the button?
        This is an advanced feature, and the button may not be shown. See Customizing controls for how to get the button to show.

        You then get to specify the function, and the new column name (if relevant):

        Available functions

        Here is a list of the available transform functions. 

        • Y represents the value in the original column
        • K is an optional constant, required for some of the transforms
        Add (y + k)Add a number (k) to each value (y)
        Subtract (y - k)Subtract a number (k) from each value (y)
        Multiply (y ×  k)Multiply y by k
        Divide (y ÷ k)Divide y by k
        Negate (k - y)Subtract k from y (If k = 0, this is inverting the sign of y)
        Invert (1 ÷  y)Invert y
        K divided by y (k ÷ y)Divide y into k
        Absolute value - abs(y)Make y values always positive
        Square (y2)Square of y
        Square root (√y )Square root of y
        Power (yk )Raise y to the power of k
        Log base 10 (log10 y )Base 10 logarithm of y
        Log base e (log10 y )Base e logarithm of y (natural logarithm)
        Exponent (ey )Raise e to the power y
        Round (rnd)Round to K digits after decimal point
        Precision (prec)Round to K significant digits of precision
        Ranking - rank(y)Rank values in column numerically and replace with a number representing their order in the ranking. Equal values get the same ranking.
        Need a function we don't support?
        Just let us know at We add features all the time based on input from our users.

        Multiple transforms

        You can create a sequence of transforms, if your data require this. For example, you could:

        • First transform the number with a multiply or divide (convert inches into metres)
        • Then take the square of that result (metres into square metres for area)


        Some of these mathematical functions cannot handle all possible input values. For example:

        • You can't take the square root of a negative number
        • You can't take the logarithm of zero
        • You can't divide anything by zero (OK you can, but you get "infinity" as the result!)

        These errors will be flagged and you will get a warning if you are trying to apply an "impossible" transform.

        Differentiation (slopes)

        We don't currently have a function to differentiate column values (it's on the roadmap) but you can achieve the same (or similar) result by making a graph with a regression line, and then adding slope markers which give you the slope of the line at each point. You can then create a new column of data from these slope values. See this article on slopes and residuals for how to do this.

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