Advanced Statistical Tests

      Advanced Statistical Tests

        Article summary

        Some of the advanced features under the Graph Driven Test (GDT) or Hypothesis Test functions are only available for users with a College license, giving them the DataClassroom U feature set.

        Read more about how to get the College features here.

        Once in DataClassroom U mode, the advanced features will be shown in the test selection window, and the advanced-level tests will be included in the list:

        Non-parametric tests

        Non-parametric tests are the ones to choose if you know your data are not normally distributed. You can choose:

        • The Mann-Whitney U test (also known as Wilcoxon rank-sum test) which is a non-parametric version of the T-test
        • The Kruskal-Wallis test which is a non-parametric alternative to ANOVA

        Multiple Linear Regression

        Multiple Linear Regression allows you to simultaneously look at relationships between a single Dependent Variable and multiple Independent variables.

        Paired T-Test

        This tests for a difference in the average value of a numeric variable between two different groups, which are paired by an identifier (name, ID, etc.). For example when a measurement has been made before and after a treatment for each member of a set of individuals.

        Repeated Measures ANOVA

        This is similar to the Paired T-Test except more than two samples have been taken per identifier (e.g. a measurement has been taken 3 times for each individual).


        ANCOVA (ANalysis of COVAriance) tests for the effect of an independent categorical variable (IV) on a numeric dependent variable (DV) while controlling for the effect of a third variable (numeric covariate).

        Running tests in R

        The "Try it in R" button takes you to the "Bridge to R" window. Read more about that here.

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